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Inspector's Son And Three Others Caught With His Gun But No Charges Brought
Tue, March 11, 2025
And while Usher had a licensed gun as a Coast Guardsman - we also asked the commissioner about a Police Inspector's firearm that was found in a vehicle in which his teenaged son was a passenger.

There were four people in the vehicle and none of them had a license for the weapon. Now that is usually automatic lockdown - but not in this case. We asked the compol about it:

Jules Vasquez
"They were found in a vehicle with a gun belonging to the inspector, but nobody was charged."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Jules, this is not unusual. We have found guns in vehicles before and a gun being licensed. Let me finish please. The gun being licensed to somebody and the people were not charged."

"Hyde was in the vehicle. He forget his gun in the vehicle. He's the licensed holder. The police found the three people in the vehicle with the gun that Hyde forgot in the vehicle. It would be tantamount to malicious prosecution had those persons been prosecuted."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, that's joint enterprise."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"No, no, no. It would have been joint enterprise if they had took the gun to the vehicle without Hyde's permission."

Jules Vasquez
"But that's accepting the story of the inspector in question."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Then Mr Vasquez, I have no reason not to accept it. If you have some other reason that is on you. At the end of the day, you will say what you want to say. But at the end of the day, I don't act based on gossip."

"I act based on facts. I have explained to you, I have answered your question and I am done with that issue."

Jules Vasquez
"But sir, in a normal circumstance, a person would be charged no matter who the gun for."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"We have found a gun in a vehicle in Belama belonging to a person who had licensed and he forgot the gun in the vehicle and we did not charge the people. That happened many times before."

Jules Vasquez
"Well, if your inspector is so careless with his firearm, should he retain that license?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"And the gun is being held. And I said to him, he's not going to get it back because we will write the board to us that it will revolt because certainly there's an issue of carelessness there."

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