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OAS Observers Took Note Of Redistricting Status
Thu, March 13, 2025
Plata says that they will also ensure to detail in their report the status of redistricting in Belize. She says it's something they are still looking into and will be making recommendations to the organization on how they should proceed.

Maricarmen Plata, OAS, Chief of Electoral Observation Mission
"We are reviewing the present situation of that and it will be included also in our report, of course we have been asking and following up on our prior recommendations and that will be included in the report we will issue a report at the end of the process a preliminary report in the coming days and later on a full report so definitely something we will be looking into and reporting on."

"It's important because it supports the electoral authorities as well as the different parties and the process itself so we follow up on the different matters that can improve the democratic process in Belize and how it can help people actually participate in an environment that is truly attending to the needs of everybody. So that everybody participates in the best way possible."

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