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Aurelio's Son Remembers Dancing With His Father
Tue, March 18, 2025
And while that is the global Aurelio - the loss is far more intimate and profound for his family.

We spoke to his 18 year old son who told us that he got the news last night and fell into deep shock:….

Newani Aurelio Martinez
"When I got the news initially, I was still in shock because a plane crash of all ways to go, that was the last I was thinking about, you know. So I was all in shock until I came home and I embraced my mom.

"And later in the night, I would say about 11, 12, I was in my room and I just felt sadness come over my body and I just broke down and I went to my mom and she held me in her arms and embraced me until I let it all out, you know."

Jules Vasquez
"When last had you been in touch with him?"

Newani Aurelio Martinez
"That would be about, I would say early this month. I would say early this month, me and him were talking about me going to Honduras to spend time with him for my birthday in April."

"We were just talking about it. He expressed to me that we have to spend more time together. We have to do things together. I have to get to know my people, get into the music industry, do stuff like that with him."

Jules Vasquez
"I saw you on the stage with him on the 19th, you know, playing alongside him, dancing with him as well. What were your experiences like, both being his son, but also seeing him as a mentor?"

Newani Aurelio Martinez
"Performing with him was always a great experience because his vocal range is very, very wide. So it always motivated me to learn to master my own voice and master my own craft in that sense, so I can one day, you know, be on that level, you know. And it was always great to share those moments with him, smile together, laugh together, sing together, dance together."

"But, you know, it all comes to an end now, you know, but we can always remember. have those memories in our mind."

Jules Vasquez
"When you were dancing on stage with him on the 19th, did you feel intimidated?"

Newani Aurelio Martinez
"Well, you know what they say, Like father, like son, what I feel is like son, like father. So anything he can do, I can do better. But yes, it does help me out in certain areas in the dancing industry. But I will start to study it now and learn it better. So now I can start to, you know, put my own twist for the dancing as well."

The funeral for Martinez will be held in Honduras. A statement from the government this evening says The Government and people of Belize are deeply saddened by the sudden and tragic passing of the late Aurelio Martínez, a Honduran musical and cultural icon, on March 17, 2025.

Here in Belize, he is a beloved icon who has left an indelible mark on our culture.

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