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Minister Of State's Son Charged For Attempted Murder Of His Own Sister
Tue, March 18, 2025
44 year old Gilroy Usher Jr, Son of the minister of state for public utilities was charged for assault in connection to a family dispute that dangerously escalated on election day. He was accused of attempting to run over his sister with his F150 vehicle. He appeared in the magistrate's court today where he was read a single charge of aggravated assault to which he pleaded not guilty. Since there was no objection to bail, Usher was offered bail of $2,000 dollars under the conditions that he must not interfere with the complaint or her family. and must remain more than 25 feet away from her.

Outside the court he said that it's not true and that he filed a charge:

Gilroy Usher Jr., Charged with Aggravated Assault
"It is the same family dispute that has been stretching on for so long, and you know the incident unfolded on election day in the area of port, but nothing like what was alleged, what was said, (it) was a total embellishment of the circumstances."

"I made the report yesterday against my sister and my brother pertaining to the comments that they made on Facebook. I think the officer in charge of CIB said that the report was forwarded to them and the cyber crimes unit and I am expected that charges will be livid against those parties."

Usher is set to RE-appear in court on May 5th.

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