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Granny Claims No Compensation Or Compassion After She Was Injured By Falling Block At Bus Station
Tue, March 18, 2025
It made the news back in September when a falling chunk of concrete from the bus terminal struck a pedestrian - but, since then, no one has spoken about the victim.

She's a grandmother and says It's an accident that may never be able to fully recover from - and it's cost her the ability to continue to make a living.

She told Jomarie Lanza in Spanish what what life has been like since the accident:

In September of 2024 Anna Isabel Moralez, a resident of San Mateo village was the woman who was struck by a piece of falling concrete from the Belize City bus terminal roof. She came into the city with her husband that day and told us that before they left she had an eerie feeling about the trip.

Anna Isabel Moralez, Street Vendor
"I was arriving at the terminal when that happened, I accompanied my husband because he came to do an interview for a job he got and I was accompanying him because he insisted and insisted and so I came but I never thought this would happen to me when we were entering. It was when we were returning from his interview when I entered the terminal one of the pieces of cement broke off and fell onto me on my right side."

Moralez was taken to the KHMH in excruciating pain she says, and what's even worse was that she claims they were out of pain meds. And while her injuries could have been much worse if she'd gotten a head injury, they ended up releasing her hours later because there weren't enough beds, and so she sought private care.

Anna Isabel Moralez, Street Vendor
"All the doctor told me was that, when I got out around 5 he told me I had been hit and there was coagulated blood inside of me,. But the worst part of this case is at the hospital there was no medication for pain, they only gave me for the infection and for the pain there wasn't any. I suffered a lot of pain because the diclofenac didn't calm me when we got back home. The following day they had to take me to Luke and there at Luke yes they gave me medicine for the pain and for the infection again and they told me again at Luke that I was badly hit and I had coagulated blood inside of me and that I need to take care of myself."

But taking care of herself has been quite the challenge given the fact that the incident has affected her mobility in her right arm and she is unable to work.

Six months have passed and Moralez says no one from GOB has reached out to her to cover her bills or offer her compensation. She says her case is being swept under the rug.

Anna Isabel Moralez, Street Vendor
"Well what I want is for the government to put their hand on their heart and help me because they have not given me anything I knew nothing that I had to report this. One of the ministers, I got his number and he gave me an appointment for the 15th but on the 15th he told me that he doesn't know if he will stay. But I knew he would and so I went to his office and they did not attend to me. What they told me was that I need to have patience and I don't want to have patience anymore because they are prolonging and prolonging six months have passed and I haven't heard anything. What I want is for them to put their hands on the affairs and the government has to tend to this affair as well because I do not have the fault. I've been sitting down for six months because of my business. I maintain it because I married a man who never was by my side, all my life he has been away from me. I have so many testimonies of what I've been through in the little house I rent. Yes there I've lived for most of my life."

She did try to make a report to police yesterday but they told her the accident had happened too long ago to record any complaint now.

Those who wish to assist Moralez can reach her at 628-7681.

We note that the Ministry of Transport says that they did follow up with Moralez and did pay for her private medical care where an X-Ray showed that she had a bruise. They say she did ask for compensation but they only committed to cover medical expenses.

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