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Transport Ministry Says Ana Morales Was Only Bruised
Wed, March 19, 2025
Last night we shared with you the story of Ana Isabel Morales, the pedestrian who was struck by a piece of concrete that fell from the Belize City terminal roof. She claimed that since the incident the Ministry of Transport had failed to reach out to her to assist her and provide compensation. But, they contest that. The Finance Officer told us today that they have only been covering Morales's medical costs and hospital bills. Morales had told us that she is self-employed and works as a street vendor and because of the injury she has not been able to work or continue selling in the street, which has affected her ability to make a living.

The Ministry says that an X Ray which they paid for confirmed that she had only gotten bruised by the falling concrete and they could not compensate her beyond that.

They say the Doctor advised that she could return to work once the swelling went down.

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