And, if he's going to fix that problem, Bernard is going to do it with his ride or die CEO, Julio Sabido. Sabido had run into some serious headwinds later in the last term - and there were rumors that he would not be renewed. In fact there was even a survey sent to senior staff about whether he should be replaced. Today, his Minister said it was all mischief:
"Why did you and your team launch a survey? Basically trying to get staff, see if staff is satisfied with your leadership and that of your CEO."
Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"I'm not sure where you get that from, but you're asking about me and my staff?"
Jules Vasquez
"We're talking about a survey that went out in a WhatsApp group, and then later we saw a post that said it was fake. About the CEO, who should be the CEO, etc."
Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"I got wind of that after when I was called to say that if I knew about this, I had no idea about that specific survey."
"I think it's malicious by nature. I think there are games that were being played, and it's obvious that somebody was trying to get after, or trying to create a division between myself and my CEO. That's not happening."
"I hold good confidence in my CEO. We have been working very closely to ensure that we could lead this ministry. I refuse to respond to negative issues when it comes to that. I think that is past gone."
"We are moving ahead. The Prime Minister has appointed me as Minister of Health, and I have supported the re-engagement of Dr. Sabido as my CEO, because I know we have been able to work together."
Jules Vasquez
"Did you and him require a re-centering or a reset of your relationship in order to move forward?"
Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Well, Dr. Sabido and I have had great discussions. I know when I just became the Minister, I did not know Dr. Sabido. We got to know each other. We worked very closely together. It was not a difficult task for me to say to the Prime Minister, I fully support us re-engaging Dr. Sabido."