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Man Killed On Motorcycle, His Father Says He Never Owned One
Mon, March 24, 2025
A man on a motorcycle died from the injuries he sustained in an accident yesterday evening. It happened on the road to Trindad village leaving August Pine Ridge. He is 33 year old Aldair Blanco. Blanco was driving a red Melium brand scooter when he collided into the fender of a Mazda pickup being driven by 38 year old Bernardo Vasquez. Blanco was thrown onto the pavement and was injured to his left ankle and elbow. He died shortly after while receiving treatment at the northern regional hospital. His father says that he doesn't know where his son got the motorcycle from because to his knowledge he never owned one.

Voice of: Santos Blanco, Father of Deceased
"They told me he got into an accident on the road to August Pine Ridge and was on a motorcycle but I said I wasn't sure because he doesn't own a motorcycle. That's all I know for now. I haven't gotten time to speak to anyone or with the person who hit him because I just heard he got knocked down and so I got up to go and see him. And so I was here in Yo Creek heading to San Lazaro when we saw the ambulance pass but as of now no one else has told me anything. I'm just waiting for more answers. But the motorcycle wasn't his; he doesn't own any motorcycle."

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