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Sheran VS CEO Shal: She Says He’s Racist, Incompetent
Wed, November 29, 2023
Tonight, the public war between the PUP Mayor of Belmopan, Sheran Palacio and the Ministry of Local Government is uglier than ever.

As we told you last night, the mayor appointed her most loyal councillor, Hope Amadi to hold over for her while she is at the COP meeting in Dubai. But the Ministry countermanded her directive and said that the most recent Deputy Mayor, Sanie Cal - who is politically favored by the PUP Establishment - will hold over, not Amadi.

And that's because the mayor says that Cal's 6 month stint as Deputy started in March and finished in October.

So, that prompted the mayor to post, quote, "Minister Requena, CEO Shal and (Clifford) King are using the patriarchal whip to attract attention. I shall not be moved by these Cowards. Suffice to say that Shal is a racist and one incompetent CEO. Poor King is the best "Choiceless Puppet".

She also sent a release directed to Belmopan residents, saying, "on numerous occasions when I travelled, I made appointments without any objection from Local Government. This occasion should have been no different. The Belmopan City Council Act makes no provision for a situation where a Deputy is not elected. Therefore, in the absence of such a rule, and in the interest of good governance, the appointment of Councilor Amadi is progressive." End quote.

For his part, councillor Amadi today repeated that he remains as acting mayor until the Mayor who put him there tells him otherwise.

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