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Cane Farmers Apologize For Bracing Mai
Thu, January 4, 2024
And while they had hard and stiff words for the PM - Ortega apologized to the agriculture minister about how he was braced by a mob outside the SIRDI headquarters...

And while they had hard and stiff words for the PM - Ortega apologized to the agriculture minister about how he was braced by a mob outside the SIRDI headquarters - again this happened yesterday:

Alfredo Ortega, BSCFA Chairman
"I would like to really publicly on behalf of the BSCFA apologize to what transpired to our minister of agriculture. He has been one that has been fighting for the cane farmers from we start this movement. And what transpired today only demonstrates how our farmers feel when they feel frustrated. That things are not moving on so we as BSCFA apologize for that incident thank god nothing went nasty. It was only a little shake but nevertheless as Mr Keme said we are here to maintain the peace. "

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