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PUP Reactivates UDP Ads, Shyne Says Thanks
Tue, January 23, 2024
Turning now to other political news - we today asked Shyne Barrow how he feels about all those UDP attack ads that were generated against him by his own party.

They aired over a year ago - but the PUP has re-activated them in this municipal campaign.

Shyne says, they only serve to remind him that his party has come a long way:

Jules Vasquez
"Is this something that that causes you pain that causes you traumatic flashbacks flashback to that time?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"You know the irony of it, what it does for for me and for all of us as an organization is for us to really be very grateful and have a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment as the how far we've grown as an organization against all odds. No one would have anticipated that we would be where we are right now. All hands on deck, completely unified for the purpose of rescuing the bees from the wretched PUP with Delroy Cuthkelvin as the voice of the UDP."

"Because they use that and to talk about you know, me not being able to get my own party together."

"Well, ahm, I have gotten the party together because obviously the person that was, you know, UDP enemy number one is no our number one spokesperson."

"And I thank the PUP for doing us a campaign favor by reminding the people where we were and how far we have come."

Jules Vasquez
"But it may be a case of the, of- and not to use an unfortunate term. - but it may be a case of the cancer being in remission. But not, not healed."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Only you would look at it that way."

Jules Vasquez
"But because we know that this the UDP is always, the UDP is always one internal dispute from implosion."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Listen, you know, I don't hear Sharorn Palacio endorsing OscarMira or saying that you know what was done with the is the best prime minister ever."

"So again, we're not going to get into the semantics of past internal disagreements. So the reality is that currently there is no disagreement, that all you need is from the executive to the lowest rung. Are all aligned for the purpose of winning the municipal elections."

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