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Sign Of The Times? UDP Complain About PUP Vandalism
Thu, February 15, 2024
Tonight, one candidate for the UDP is nicely asking his PUP counterparts to please stop tearing down the UDP’s signs...

And turning now to politics and the upcoming municipal elections, tonight, one candidate for the UDP is nicely asking his PUP counterparts to please stop tearing down the UDP's signs.

Now, this sort of complaint from both sides is commonplace to the point of being tired. But today we were intrigued when he call came from UDP candidate Brian Yellowman Audinett - who, let us say politely, is not a stranger to ladders and lampposts.

So, Jules asked him today - why cry about politics 101? Here's what he said:

Brian "Yellowman" Audinett, UDP Candidate
"We are out every night, putting up our signs you know. Our banners and so. And by the time we finish like 2 o'clock in the morning and so. It looks like the PUP hired some of their hooligans to come out after we go in and take down our signs them. Now Jules you know me. I am not crying like any baby."

"And I could do what they do. I could stop our put up."

Jules Vasquez:
"You did it for many years Yellow. That is you're, you are a UDP hooligan. Your graduate you graduated from that but that is your OG occupation."

Brian "Yellowman" Audinett, UDP Candidate
"No, No I did not use to take down people signs Jules. That is not trye, absolutely not true. I don't take down people things but. The thing is Jules is that we are putting up our signs and then they come out after we have put up our signs them and they are taking down our banners and our flags and so. And I am pleading to them. I am asking them, please leave our banners and our flags alone."

"We are doing a clean campaign. But if they refuse to stop taking down our signs, then they will leave us with no choice. Because we will stop put up and we will start to take down. I don't want to deal with no sign thing and so, but it is unfair for us to be out until two in the morning when we get up next morning all of our things are coming down."

Jules Vasquez:
"But I will ask you straight. Is this not the pot calling the kettle black? Because for many years as a street general for the UDP one of your jobs is to make sure because the two parties play this. And one of your jobs is to make sure if they do it to you, you do them back worse."

Brian "Yellowman" Audinett, UDP Candidate
"Yeah. Yeah. But Jules I never was engaged in taking down any one of the PUP's signs them. Jules I could be honest with you. I could stop from putting up signs tonight you know. I have enough recruits where I could put on the ground tonight with enough ladders to clear the city. When they get up in the money there is no PUP sign."

"But we will not go that route"

Jules Vasquez:
"Not yet?"

Brian "Yellowman" Audinett, UDP Candidate
"We will not go that road. I am asking them. I am pleading to the People's United Party to please stop yout people from taking down our signs. Signs don't vote."

Jules Vasquez:
"There's a word that lawyers like to use or big time diplomats that you can't sue for peace. The only way to get peace is by war. Perpetual war for perpetual peace. That is just a theory. You can ask a man for peace. That is like you are asking the man for mercy. They are going to step on you harder Yellow. You know the rules of politics."

Brian "Yellowman" Audinett, UDP Candidate
"No Jules, if they step on me harder, then you see they will make the thing go in a different direction and so but like I said and we are not thinking about doing what they're doing us. We are asking them, please stop. Stop it. Like I told you I am not crying honestly I am not crying you know, but I just want them to stop because I could do the same. And I am telling you, you see those big banners that they have. You see those huge, huge banners that they have and so. I could make them get up tomorrow morning and none of those are there, but how will that benefit us?"

Yellowman says he will be putting back up his signs tonight and hoping that the PUP plays nice. Let's just say, we don't expect a fairytale ending to this one. We'll be watching tho.

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