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John Saldivar Leads The Charge For Mayoral Aspirant Burns In BMP
Wed, February 21, 2024
And, as was the pattern across the country, the PUP went to the nomination centre in the morning and the UDP in the afternoon.

But, in a decent utilization of political stagecraft, the UDP changed it up on the PUP. Jules Vasquez saw how:

The UDP in Belmopan avoided a head to head comparison with the PUP by deploying a motorcade. Optically, it gave a better effect - the motorcade stretching down George Price Boulevard - sounding all the bells and whistles.

It left from John Saldivar's home - and he was in one fo the futon vehicles.

A nice show - but in terms a raw numbers - probably a draw with the PUP:

Jules Vasquez
"They wah know who hot, the public wants to know - is the PUP hot - is the UDP hot. Its hard to tell here in Belmopan because they had a procession and you all had a motorcade, but if I had the same man for man, you are about even from what I have seen. Explain to me what you all put into this day and the public message you all are hoping to communicate with your motorcade?"

Jackie Burns, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"Jules, you're talking about a heat check with Ms. Burns? I'm just telling you that we, the UDP, have put in the energy not only today, but since April of 2023. We've been walking the city house to house consulting with the residents and loving the conversation."

"We have gotten real with the people. We hear their concerns and truly, if what we have heard is registered in that ballot box, we are going to see the change that Belmopan deserves."

Saldivar led an impromptu march down the hall at the Civic Centre - he may have missed the entrance - but he got the point, politics is noise and the more the better.

And while Saldivar is front and centre in this campaign, he kept back when it came to the interview:

Jules Vasquez
"Your standard bearer is not in the frame with you. Explain to me what sort of linkage your campaign has with John Saldivar, the standard bearer for UDP in Belmopan."

Jackie Burns, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"Well, you know, John knows when to step aside and give the leadership over. Contrary to what a lot of people might say, John gave us the show today and he's here. John Saldivar, he's here with us. He's been an active part of the campaign. I am excited to have him as our strategist for this campaign."

Jules Vasquez
"The taint of his image, stalking the UDP, yourself and UDP as you all go about campaigning, because inevitably you are inextricably linked to him."

Jackie Burns, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"Jules, when people from outside of Belmopan talk about taint from John Saldivar, it means that they haven't been in Belmopan."

"You will remember that convention last February and you will remember the healthy win that he came out victorious in that convention and so we know. what the people are saying to us. In fact, sometimes I wish that I had John Saldivar with me every day on the campaign trail because there are people who tell me to my face, I want to see Mr. John."

The UDP's success or failure in this eleciton will either be a referendum on Saldiavr's popularity or on the PUP - who people may choose to vote out after a fractious 3 year term:

Jackie Burns, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"A lot of people who study politics and study elections would tell you that there is a certain demographic of Belizeans who vote out instead of in."

"And the type of service we've had from the blue politicians in Belmopan have left a lot to be desired to say it nicely."

Jules Vasquez
"A statistical reality is that in 2021, the PUP got 68% of the vote here. It's the second highest in the country, only in Orange Walk, did they get higher."

"You were the candidate from here at that time. And that decisive mandate for the PUP council was to a large extent because of John Saldivar. How do you hope to overcome that in just three years to bring that 68% down to less than 50%?"

Jackie Burns, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"Jules, I'm a teacher by profession and it's report card day, March 6th. Let's see what the people have to say. That's all I have to say on that matter."

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