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Can UDP Numbers In The City Match PUP?
Wed, February 21, 2024
And the UDP geared up this afternoon, but though their route was shorter, the energy was just the same. And every supporter that came out was vital in this important juncture, where the UDP will soon see if the Belize City residents are ready to form a red council once again. Courtney Menzies was also there at the ITVET for their nominations - here's that story.

At 1 this afternoon, the UDP's procession had a slow and slightly disorganized start.

But their machinery soon picked up speed and by the time they hit the road, their numbers rivaled their opponents'.

And while the current mayor is waiting for the test at the polls, the UDP party leader is projecting a clean sweep - and their mayoral candidate is confident that her slate will be victorious.

Dr Nelma Mortis, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"I was confident from I was in the field because of the expression and the sentiments of the people that I associated or made relationship on the ground."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I want the Belizean people to see with all humility, this is my projection. Nine, nine municipalities and it is not far-fetched. There was a time where the United Democratic Party administered all nine municipalities and no municipality is out of reach."

"Would you think that the people still have a little bit of UDP fatigue after 13 years of UDP government?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No, I don't think it works like that. I think in fact that has played to our benefit because people have a contrast by which to analyze life now versus those 13 years."

"One with logic would simply reflect and say, we must have been doing something right to have been voted in for 13 years whereas this People's United Party after three years, everybody, your news director said they went from just R to pure R to know the PMR."

"That is, and you know your news director, not like no P. He makes sure he say he hate the PUDP. But the analysis is clear. People are extremely disappointed with the performance of the People's United Party."

And while on the ground, Dr Mortis said it was actually the other way around, where the people seem to be exhausted from the PUP.

Dr Nelma Mortis, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"Basically, the issues are more of national issues and the people feel like the People's United Party has no love for them."

"The relationship is not there. And so that was one of their major complaints. The local issues were secondary. And we can understand that. People's basic needs come first."

And Barrow pointed out the issues that bubbled to the surface even with a blue Local and Central government, despite promises from the PUP that there would be harmony between them. However, Dr Mortis assured the voters that there can be that synchronization even with a red City Council.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Finally, people hoped that all of the promises would now be delivered upon because you would have this synchronicity and synergy."

"And in fact, we've seen the complete opposite. No clearer example than in Belmopan, where the mayor is accusing the prime minister of being racist and the area representative and the mayor and the councillor and the mayor and it is all throughout the country. In PG, the councillors are accusing the PUP mayor of misappropriation of funds and all types of malfeasance. So again that is not what the Belizean people wanted."

Dr Nelma Mortis, UDP Mayoral Candidate
"I am hoping to change that kind of politicking in the sense that we're supposed to move towards development, this is for all of us, this is for Belizeans and so I am hoping that if the other if my incumbent is still the the central government of course we'll change them very soon. But that they will see the relevance of my work and my leadership to serve the people of Belize and not to serve a UDP or a PUP person but the people of Belize."

In terms of crowds, with the parties at their peak - were neck and neck in terms of support, with the slight edge - if there was any - going to the PUP.

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