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BTL Advertises CEO Vacancy, Is Urbina A Frontrunner?
Mon, March 18, 2024
BTL is advertising a vacancy for a new CEO.

Since the company has no public relations presence, we today asked the Prime Minister if Ivan Telecom is on the way out:

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"What has happened is that the CEOs Contract is coming to an end. I think it's in May and in the contract they need, the board needs to give notice whether the contract is going to be renewed or not. If he's not given notice, then it is an automatic rollover So what the borard has decided to do is to make an announcement for for the position of CEO. It doesn't mean that a present CEO cannot apply. Of course, the present CEO can apply, and if anybody else wants to apply well, then that is their right to apply for the job."

Jules Vasquez
"You have some experience in these matters. You would know that three weeks, which is the portal opening, you can't get anyone to take over a very heavy job like that, anyone suitable to take over a heavy job like in three weeks, so should we then conclude that its just a formality and the present CEO will be renewed."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I don't know. I think that, I was not aware of the portal, but I do believe that a number of people have been looking at the possibility of that job being opened. So the ones that are interested, I'm sure that they need less than two weeks to be able to put in their application."

Jules Vasquez
"We know the CEO of utilities, might he be one of the persons who might have an interest in it?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I've heard that he may probably may have some interest. As you know, he has worked at both Smart and BEL. He has an engineering degree and an MBA. So from just the looks of it, you could take that he probably would fit the profile, but he would have to go through the process."

Jules Vasquez
"Would he be politically favor? It's you who hire the man as CEO, sir."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I guess, I don't know. I think we need to move away from political favor to more to if he would be adequate for the job, probably on the face of it you would want to think so. But when you go through the actual interview process, that's when the board will be able to decide who would be the person best suited for the job."

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