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Krismar Kills Again, This Time His Victim Was Harmless
Mon, April 8, 2024
Krismar Espinosa is a convicted killer - who's served time for killing a woman and was then accused of killing a man in prison. And now - less than a year after finishing up his sentence for a manslaughter conviction, he's headed back to jail, this time for murder.

The man he's accused of killing was no gangbanger, or criminal - Wilbert Banks was a bicycle repair-man, described as one of the most easy going guys you could meet.

But, his girlfriend was Krismar Espinoza's common law wife - and that put him in the line of fire on Friday night. Jomarie Lanza found out more today.

Cycling enthusiast 38 year old Wilbert Banks was described by those close to him as a man who wouldn't even hurt a fly -

Andrew Ordonez, Owner, Ordonez Bike shop
"Banks is like a son to me. He is one of the most humble individuals, I believe that he doesn't even want to hurt a fly. If a fly is biting him I think he would even leave the fly to bite him so he was one of the coolest employees ever. I called him, my son. He spent more time with me at the shop streaming bicycle races, then he spent with his own family so he will definitely be missed."

And that gentle way is is why his ruthless murder came as a shock. It happened in the Lake Garden area of Ladyville just after 11:30 on Friday, when a gunman targeted Banks who was driving in the area and released a hail of bullets at him, killing him in the driver seat and causing him to crash into this cement house.

Police say he was targeted because he had relationship with convicted killer Krismar Espinosa's girlfriend. Espinosa had just been released from prison after serving a sentence.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"A search of the scene, police found a cellphone belonging to a woman. The woman was subsequently identified and searches were conducted by the police in the Ladyville and Belize City area to locate the woman whose phone was found on the scene. The woman was subsequently found along with a male person who happened to be her common law husband who has been identified as one Krismar Espinosa. Krismar Espinosa has been convicted of murder before and on appeal his murder conviction was reduced to manslaughter and recently got released from prison. It is our understanding through the investigation that prior to him going to prison, he was with the woman and when he went to prison, she had an affair with the now deceased and when he came out of prison, he got back with the woman and Krismar found out about her affair with the now deceased and based on that, he went and committed the crime against Mr Banks so at this time we have arrested and charged Mr Espinosa for the crime of murder and again, I can clearly state that the motive is an act of jealousy. As we have seen in many of the murder occurring these days, it would appear we have a lot of weak men who seemingly cannot let go of their exes and it is resulting in persons being killed."

His relatives, as equally broken-hearted, are still trying to wrap their heads around how someone could murder Banks, given his calm and peaceful nature.

Malcolm Banks Sr., Uncle of Deceased
"He jumps on his cycle early in the morning from 5 o'clock 5:30 and goes behind races. I always tell him to come back safe nephew always be safe out there. So you know it hurts me, and that night we were talking about races and he said there was no race but he's going to go and do a ride. I told him I am going I'm going to go sleep. And my son was the one who woke me up with the sad news.. I still can't believe it. I don't even know if my nephew would kill an ant or a roach. he was just a humble person and it's sad. Sad that he went just like this you know."

April 11th would mark 2 years since the cycling community lost two of their loved ones during the annual cross country race. Edison " vintage" Usher, and Kadeem Banks, brother to Wilbert Banks, died from injuries sustained during a motorcycle accident from following the race and streaming live. It's quite a lot to process for the Banks family, now left to grieve both sons one after the other. A ride in memorial of Usher and Kadeem Banks was supposed to take place on Saturday, but instead the ride ended up being a memorial for Wilbert Banks following the aftermath of his murder.

"We are not happy with what happened yes its banks and he is one of our own right now but it could have been many others. This hit home for us so we are making a statement, but we have to put down the guns guys this is not the way. Let us pick up positivity and do better things. Belize is small and we are one people we have to do better."

Andrew Ordonez, Owner, Ordonez Bike shop
"Not through my wildest dreams I ever thought he would be a victim of gun violence. Never a day went that he got involved. He doesn't even argue those guys they tease him and he keeps his mouth closed like he put his zip on his mouth. And my memories of him will live with me for the rest of my life. I will make sure I have a picture close by and he will never be forgotten."

Malcolm Banks Sr., Uncle or Deceased
"My nephew is a humble person he's caring, he doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke. All he likes is his water and Coke. We always hang out together right in front of the yard. We eat and talk and the last time I saw him was that Friday night you know I left him outside with the rest of the family and I told him I am going inside because I have work in the next day and they woke me up to a shocking news. It really hit me hard you know because I saw my nephew from a baby coming up. he's a respectful person and it's sad that he's this way you know. it hurts me you know because he was a loving person man. Loving you know."

Banks leaves behind two daughters.

Espinoza served a 16 year sentence for the manslaughter of 24 year old mother Rachel Chun. He was also accused of the jailhouse murder of Keon Swasey but was not convicted. He was released from prison in July of 2023.

He was in jail from when he was a teenaged minor.

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