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ComPol Blames Poor Policing For Escalating Violence
Mon, April 8, 2024
On Friday we told you about the dangerous village rivalry between Lemonal and Double Head Cabbage. It led to the murder of a man at the Boom bus stop last week, and the chairman of Double Head said that he had been warning the police that the situation in the villages was volatile and escalating.

Today the ComPol said that they have organized interventions to quell the tensions. He also explained that one of their own has been charged for obstruction of justice.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"A number of persons were detained over the weekend and the police conducted investigations to ascertain the extent of these individuals' involvement in the ongoing rivalry. A number of persons will be charged for varying degrees of offenses. And one of those persons who has been charged is Sergeant Walton Banner. He was charged for obstructing the police, this resulted from his conduct when police detained those persons who were wanted for a chopping that took place at the horserace on Holy Saturday where he allegedly obstructed the police officers from detaining the suspects so he has been charged for obstruction in respect thereof. Yesterday we also had interventions with the villagers from Lemonal and Double Head Cabbage and during that intervention session a lot of information was shared in respect to what caused the beef and what can be done to resolve the beef. A number of the key players from the Lemonal faction were absent and so we could not have had the intervention in such a way that we believe the matter could be brought to an end and so we have reserved this coming Thursday to go back to Ladyville and invite the different players for us to have a more better intervention with the input of more of the players from Lemonal Village. while we try to do this, we still see that a number of persons from Lemonal continue to go on social media and are instigating violence. I don't think that is going to make the situation any better and in some cases we're seeing that the violence is being pushed by women and in some cases, mothers of these young men who are involved in these ongoing feuds. Now as parents, I would want to think that you would be more responsible and try to guide your child or your children to act civil and not to be involved in these types of activities but when we see that parents are involved to the extent of riling up their children to behave in an uncivil way then it makes you wonder what kind of parent they are."

And the ComPol conceded that one of the main reasons the rivalry in the village has spiraled out of control is because of the officers stationed there.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"From the intervention session we had on Sunday, I learnt that many of the failures in the area also had to do with policing, poor lives of policing coming from the police officers in the rural area and so as a part of the plan moving forward, there certainly needs to be an adjustment in the police deployment within rural Belize. Many of the officers there are from the same villages where these problems are coming from and so they're too acquainted with the players and are unable to execute the duties the way they should so we have to address that internally and that is something that I have discussed with Mr Romero, Mr Grinage, Mr Barrow and Mr Gabourel. Additionally we have also, since last week, put in place additional patrols in the River Valley area to see how we can conduct more strategic operations to go after those persons who are involved and I can tell you that over the weekend I got a number of video footage with these brawls at these games and in almost all of these video footage, we can see that the group from Lemonal are the aggressors and so we have to look at that very carefully and see what we can do to adequately address their issue to try and bring this feud to an end."

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