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Focal Point For MCC Grant Says US Senators Objection Not A Factor
Mon, April 8, 2024
Martinez is also the focal point for the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. Government international development agency which has approved a 125 million US dollar grant to Belize.

But US Senator from Florida, Rick Scott has objected to the grant - writing to the agency's CEO to say that Belize does not provide a level playing field to US investors.

We asked Martinez if that complaint has gone anywhere.

Jules Vasquez
"You're going to meet the MCC to close off this thing. Will the letter sent by the senator from Florida, Mike Scott, do you expect that it will have any effect? He sent a letter saying that Belize is not playing fair with foreign investors, which is a prerequisite for receiving this MCC grant money."

Osmond Martinez, CEO - Ministry of Economic Development
"Well, first of all, we have a lot of respect to all our political, geopolitical leaders in all different levels, but my response is no he won't have any effect. With MCC we're moving forward and we will be finishing and completing our negotiations next week and thereafter after it will tabled at the Parliament."

Jules Vasquez
"So the MCC has not sent you all any requests saying Rick Scott complained about treatment of investors because we know he's talking about ASR and the legislation which the court struck down. Has the MCC made any specific query about that?"

Osmond Martinez, CEO - Ministry of Economic Development
"Not to me. I am not sure if they have sent it through the proper diplomatic channel, which would be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but not to me, I'm the focal point."

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