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BPM Prepared To File Injunction If Early Elections
Wed, April 17, 2024
And as Leslie mentioned, the BPM erroneously received an alert to appear in court for the case to be struck out. They sorted out the matter and stated that the only matter in the court is the Consent Order enforcement, which should be heard in the summer.

But according to Saldivar, there are rumors of an early election looming, and they are prepared to go back to court with another injunction.

Arthur Saldivar, Attorney/Belize Peace Movement
"The application for strike out, when it was received, there was calls made for clarification. It has been brought to my attention that that was an error, that there was no application to strike out, in fact, none appeared in the portal."

"There is nothing to strike out, the claim has been brought to its conclusion with a Consent Order being put in place. The only thing is for that to be carried through. Elections and Boundaries will tell you that they have done their job by laying a proposal before parliament. Parliament now has its prerogative, it will debate or not debate, and they're seeking to kick the can down the road and leave us in an unconstitutional state of affairs with a schedule that is clearly beyond what the constitution allows."

"So that application for enforcement is just sitting there in court untouched?"

Arthur Saldivar, Attorney/Belize Peace Movement
"No, we actually have a date when that is going to be heard, it's supposed to be heard I believe in July."

"There is some word that there is a plan on having an election in November, at least that is what we are hearing. So if that is the plan, the prime minister has a certain number of days before that to actually make an announcement so we have to time our filing of an injunction to coincide with whenever that times comes that he will make that announcement so it will not be a premature application."

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