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Accused Of Murder In Mexico, Nimrod Gets Fancy British Barrister To Fight Extradition
Fri, April 19, 2024
Nimrod Tillett has been accused of murder three times in Belize, but never convicted., And now Mexican authorities want him to answer to a murder charge in Chetumal. Tillet is accused of murdering a female companion in Quintana Roo Mexico in 2019, and throwing her body in a dumpster, which was allegedly caught on surveillance footage.

He's been on remand at the Kolbe Central Prison awaiting extradition to Mexico - and tonight, his prospects of fighting the remand are looking a whole lot better. That's because he's gotten the assistance of a British attorney who specializes in these cases.

Tillett - who is still on crutches from a recent shooting - is now represented by Tim Prudhoe from a law firm in Turks and Caicos. A press release says the firm quote, "has a reputation for taking on complex and controversial cases."

Well, he has a good one here. Today Prudhoe told the press that his first concern is for Tillett's medical wellbeing - after he was shot in Corozal in August of last year:

Tim Prudhoe, Nimrod Tillet Attorney
"There's no secret that he was badly hurt last year and he's concerned what will happen if he has to enter the Mexican prison system in that type of condition. So one of the issues in the extradition is to whether or not they'll be adequate care if he was to be extradited."

"How did you get involved?"

Tim Prudhoe, Nimrod Tillet Attorney
"I'm an English barrister that's done similar sorts of work elsewhere in the Caribbean and also admitted here in Belize as a lawyer. And I was asked if I would take the case and I said yes when I found out the facts."

"So it wasn't very difficult. It's obvious to me that there are issues in relation to the extradition that need to be raised in court, which is what we are doing on 5th June."

Prudhoe today received the 150 page bundle of evidence from the Mexican.

The hearing was adjourned until the 5th of June and in the meantime written arguments will be submitted by both sides. The matter is being heard before the Chief Magistrate.

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