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Belize Goes Dark After 5 Hour Unplanned Power Outage
Thu, May 9, 2024
Tonight, Belizeans are under pressure - after an unannounced 5 and a half hour power outage today - which was worsened by total loss of water supply to the city this afternoon. A text message just a few minutes ago from the CEO of BEL says that the long awaited Westlake Gas Turbine is online and supporting in-country generation...

Tonight, Belizeans are under pressure - after an unannounced 5 and a half hour power outage today - which was worsened by total loss of water supply to the city this afternoon.

A text message just a few minutes ago from the CEO of BEL says that the long awaited Westlake Gas Turbine is online and supporting in-country generation.

So, even though there is no supply from CFE at this hour, all service areas are online - with the key contribution coming from the just restored gas turbine.

So, no schedule for tonight's load shedding has been sent out - but that's because at this time - there appears to be enough generation in country to support a stable power supply. We stress "appears" because the gas turbine is only just coming back online.

And while that is encouraging, there is no water supply in Belize City all the way up to Biscayne tonight. This is being caused by a broken water main into the Belize district.

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