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LOO: Bread Price Increase A Betrayal
Tue, June 4, 2024
And while Minister Musa is talking hemp, Opposition Leader Shyne Barrow is talking the price of bread. He held his regular press briefing today where he criticized government for permitting the increase of the controlled price of a loaf off 16 ounce bread by 20%.

Barrow said it is a betrayal of the voters:...

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"And they have no shame. Wait until after the municipal elections and raise the price of bread and we take it."

"And this is another betrayal of the promises that the present administration made to the Belizean people to be a government that was compassionate, a government that was understanding of the plight of the day to day Belizeans, This increase in bread does not reflect a government that understands that."

"You know so much is being said. but so little is being done and they're killing the people and they're killing the people for fun. And while in most instances literally the PUP is not killing the people, but figuratively, they are, the quality of life has died."

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