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The Battle Of The Bay Unseats Area Representative
Mon, July 15, 2024
Turning now to politics, things were red hot in Corozal Town yesterday when area representative Elvi Vega faced a stiff convention challenge from Thea Garcia Ramirez.

And the day ended in an unprecedented outcome, as Ramirez Garcia captured the hearts of her party supporters in the North, and unseated the sitting area representative from her standard bearer pedestal.

Jomarie Lanza was there from the voting started to when the winner was announced. Here's her story of a full day of politics.

When the polls opened at 9:00 Am here in Corozal Bay at St Francis Xavier RC primary school, a steady flow of traffic was maintained up until the lunch hour. Despite a heavy rainfall and the long lines to vote inside, that did not stop party supporters from coming out to cast their ballot at the convention. We checked in with the candidates as the voter turnout picked up throughout the morning.

Thea Garcia Ramirez, PUP Candidate, Corozal Bay
"After about six, seven weeks of hard campaigning I'm a little bit tired but the good energy I am receiving from the voters this morning is certainly very contagious and so that's what's powering me through so we have some adrenaline going in there and so we are very positive taking out our voters and ensuring we have a steady stream in the line and we are just executing a well considered and thought out plan."

Elvia Vega Samos, PUP Candidate, Corozal Bay
"The energy is high you know from weeks ago we've been on the campaign trail we've been working from three years ago, the machinery has been oiled up you know everybody is out bringing in people as early as this morning we already had 100 persons in line waiting to vote and so we have people coming in as you can see continuously and I believe that the people of Corozal Bay will give me another chance to represent them at the House of Representatives, I truly believe that."

But for Vega's sister in law and niece - namely, the wife and daughter of her late brother of the Hon David "Dido Vega, they were fresh out of chances for Elvi, and their decision was clear when they showed up at the convention wearing her opponent's T-shirt. It's a family dispute that became the most sensational endorsement of the day. Ingrid Vega explained.

Ingrid Vega, Elvia Vega's Sister in law
"Like I said it would take you a whole day for me to explain but my candidate of choice is, I gave the candidate Ms Elvia a chance. I endorsed her the last time personally and I thought she would have carried my husbands legacy and in my view she has not. So I'm giving the other candidate an opportunity and I spoke to her personally and I told her that that's why I am coming out to cast my vote and that I am depending on her to carry and to make some differences for our Corozal bay people because I think they deserve that and I have not seen that, I have not seen Dave I have not seen what he wanted I am the one that I used to listen to his plans every night and everyday so I knew what he wanted and I haven't seen that."

And as the day wore on we continued to monitor the camps of both candidates, but Garcia's side consistently appeared more active. Despite no national political figures in sight, we did meet Kareem Musa's driver in full food truck operator mode, clearly in support of Vega and her hungry crowd.

Chicken Dread
"Good Morning dear yes the Corozaleños they love Chicken Dread you know chicken dread was there for Dido Vega and now Chicken Dread is there for Elvi Vega, you know the people of Corozal love the chicken it's the best."

"So you come give your support to Ms Elvi?"

Chicken Dread
"100% with my chicken."

"So you are giving out free chicken today?"

Chicken Dread
"I am not, but well the people they Love Chicken Dread chicken that's why Chicken Dread is Here."

"So how do you think today will go?"

Chicken Dread
"Elvi Vega all the way."

And while Chicken Dread was with Vega, the town mayor sounded a lot like he was with Garcia.

Rigo Vellos, Mayor of Corozal Town
"Humbleness and a hard worker those are the two qualities that I normally look for someone who is humble and who is willing to deal with the people and someone who is a hard worker. Those are the two main qualities and why? Because I believe it represents me and I would support someone that represents me and that's exactly what we need here at Corozal Bay someone who is very humble and someone who wants to work for the community."

And as we moved into the afternoon the lines became longer. Even after the 4:00 cut off time, voters were still waiting in line inside. And that's when we saw Vega and Chicken Dread being shown out of the school grounds for allegedly trying to campaign in line.

We then stepped back outside for one last check in with the candidates before the polls closed and their fates would be sealed.

Thea Garcia Ramirez, PUP Candidate, Corozal Bay
"Good, tired but good the sun came back out and the rain held, it's crunch time and we are half and hour away from polls closing so it's crunch time."

"Have you been inside have you seen the lines?"

Thea Garcia Ramirez, PUP Candidate, Corozal Bay
"They are long and like I said earlier they are taking too long to process the people coming in to vote and some people are leaving because they get frustrated so."

Elvia Vega Samos, PUP Candidate, Corozal Bay
"You know Elvi has been working from Day 1 and there has been a lot of undermining, a lot of tribulations put in front of me and in the same manner it was done with my brother and my brother did not give up and I will not give up as well. I will fight to the end for them for our people."

Once the last voter was out of the compound then the counting began. And half way through the process, Thea's camp got wind of how much they were leading by, and began celebrating outside.

It wasn't long after that, before the counting was finished, Vega and her team vacated the compound along with her people she fought for till the end.

And by 8:00pm Thea was declared winner, unseating the area rep Vega, and winning by a comfortable 625 votes

Henry Charles Usher, PUP Party Chairman
"As I said just now we had a record number of 3029 ballots cost including 56 spoiled ballots receiving 1174 ballots Ms Elvia Vega Samos. And receiving 1799 votes Ms Thea García Ramírez our new standard bearer for the PUP Corozal Bay Constituency. Congratulations Thea, we will now swear in our candidate with our party's oath."

And while its victory for Garcia, over 1000 party supporters still voted for her opponent and she will have to work hard to mend fences after a very divisive and personal campaign.

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