The Deputy Prime Minister: he's like Belize's Vice-President, the number
two man, second in charge but tonight John Briceno has fallen about 18 spots
down the executive ladder, he's no Longer a Minister of Government. Briceno
resigned today, ending a 9 year run as the Prime Minister's deputy. He resigned
after the Prime Minister presented him with an offer of a seriously downgraded
portfolio. It's part of a sweeping move by the Prime Minister to re-calibrate
his Cabinet after the disruptions and dismissals brought on by the Universal
Jules Vasquez has been following the story since this weekend when
the Prime Minister returned from Venezuela and went into meetings with his closest
allies. Tonight he has put together a narrative of the events, along with an
insight and commentary.
Jules Vasquez Reporting,
At a meeting this morning in the PM's office in Belmopan, the Prime Minister
informed his Deputy Prime Minister that he would be taking away the Ministries
of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Environment. The PM told Briceno he would
give the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, where Briceno had
been Minister for 9 years, to Florencio Marin Sr., a long time Briceno rival
in the north.
As a slight consolation Briceno would be given the Ministries of National Development
and Defense. Those Ministries were left behind after Cordel Hyde and Mark Espat
were fired two weeks ago. Hardly a consolation for the man that had been the
second most powerful Minister, and Briceno flat out rejected the offer and told
the PM he would rather resign.
That was this morning; in the interim Francis Fonseca reached out to Briceno
and offered a compromise. Briceno rejected it as well, feeling it was a disrespect
for him to be demoted simply because he opposed the takeover of the Universal
And while that standoff was brewing, Foreign Affairs Minister Eamon Courtenay,
who is away on official business in Panama, called the PM this morning, and
told him that, faced with the forced ouster of Briceno who is his closest Cabinet
ally, he too will be resigning as well when he returns tomorrow.
And so by 1:00 pm, in his last act as Deputy PM, Briceno went into the Prime
Minister's Office. where the eminence of the PM's hard line hawks, Ralph Fonseca,
Francis Fonseca and Godfrey Smith were gathered, and Briceno handed the PM his
letter of resignation. It was a brief letter saying simply that he was grateful
for the opportunity to have served and would return to work in his Orange Walk
Central constituency.
One hour later: the official announcements were made: Vildo Marin, a party
deputy leader who went on the record on Briceno's radio station to say he supported
the Universal guarantee is now the new Deputy Prime Minister. For Marin who
has steadily ascended the party's hierarchy through acts of unquestioning loyalty
to Musa, it is a well earned promotion - though he brings no special talent
other than saying yes. And having him as Deputy puts the Prime Minister in no
better stead externally.
The other major upgrade is for Florencio Marin Sr., the former Musa adversary
who resigned from the Cabinet in 1999 and moved to the Corozal Free Zone. But
now in the last year of his last term, the man who defined himself as a Minister
of Natural Resources in the 80's and 90's - is going back into the Cabinet.
While it's a big promotion for Marin, for Musa, having the two Marins from the
north in his camp is critical, because it weakens Briceno, by isolating him.
And while that may have been the move to put Briceno in check, you can call
it check and mate with Musa's co-opting of Servulo Baeza, a long time Briceno
ally and dependent who did not resign in solidarity like Eamon Courtenay but
stayed on as a Minister of State in Natural Resources. Additionally, Dave Burgos,
a non-aligned retiring candidate, has been brought squarely into Musa's camp
by also being made a Minister of State, his portfolio in agriculture and fisheries.
So now even as head of the Northern Caucus, any support Briceno may have been
able to muster for a convention challenge or even a showing is completely undermined.
And the only man who will resign in solidarity with Briceno, Eamon Courtenay,
will be replaced by Ambassador to Washington Lisa Shoman who will be brought
back home, made a Senator and Minister. She is the niece of former Foreign Minister
and current chief negotiator Assad Shoman.
It's a day of many moves that change the balance of power and the state of
play in the government, particularly with a national convention one month away.
First, the sudden alliance between the PM and the Marins and the severing of
the Briceno relationship effectively takes us back to the leadership convention
of 1996 where Musa with Briceno as his ally was seen as the candidate of reform
and renewal and Marin, the candidate of the tired old guard. Now, ironically
it is that same old guard that Musa has called on to shore up support and serve
as a defense against reform elements
But, the move also sees PM Musa taking charge, resisting accommodation and
in the mode of his hawks, exacting a punishment on Briceno for, he feels, abandoning
him during the Universal loan motion crisis. That's when Briceno threatened
to resign if the PM went ahead with the motion and went so far as to pack up
his office at the Ministry of Natural Resources.
It was a bold move by Briceno and for which he has paid dearly as the PM has
responded with a bold move of his own. It is also a deliberate move by the PM
as head into a convention, having now effectively neutralized one who may have
hoped to challenge him, if not now, then sometime down the line.
And while the internal intrigues are many, in the broader national picture,
these resignations, coupled with the firings of Mark Espat and Cordel Hyde two
weeks ago, hurt the Musa administration more than the new realignment helps.
So while the PM may have put his political house in order four weeks from a
national convention, he's still a long way from getting it battle ready for the
general election which is nine months away.
And though it was mentioned, it was not underscored in that story that the
Prime Minister did not propose for Briceno to lose his post as deputy. It is
when Briceno resigned that he left the post vacant for Marin.
There is some question tonight as to whether Briceno will be able to hold
on as one of the three deputies of the PUP at the July first national convention.
The post of three deputies is advertised but it's left to be seen if Briceno
will be challenged for it.
As for the Ministries of Defense, Sports, and Youth left behind by Hyde
and National Development and Culture left by Espat, those have been distributed
as follows.
- Stann Creek West representative Rodwell Ferguson is brought into the
Cabinet and takes over the entire Hyde portfolio of Youth, Sports, and Defense.
- As for Espat's ministries, the Prime Minister takes over National Development,
- and Francis Fonseca takes over Culture.
Also of note in the Cabinet changes is that Marcial Mes who had been suspended
as the Minister of State in the Ministry of Rural Development after he knocked
down two children, has now been re-instated. He is now Minister of State in
the Ministry of Education.