And while the good guys had the upper hand out west, in Belize City,
the bad guys won again as a young car dealer was executed. Kashif Jeffries –
the 24 year old son of veteran broadcasters Trevor Jeffries and Esme Anderson
– was preparing to go to Houston on Sunday afternoon to bring down two
cars. Before he left, he went to visit his grandmother in the Port Loyola area
to tell her goodbye. But what he didn’t know was that gunmen were lying
in wait for him. Here’s the story.
Jules Vasquez Reporting,
This is the bullet riddled 4 Runner that 24 year old car dealer Kashif Jeffries
was driving here on Levi Slusher Street which is off Jane Usher Boulevard in
the Port Loyola area. At about ten minutes after one, He stopped to talk to
two cousins when gunmen who were set for him pulled up.
Esme Anderson, Mother of Deceased
“Jules from what I heard he was chatting with two young ladies in
front of their homes and then a green Explorer drove up, tinted glass, two young
men came out and they already had t-shirts tied around their faces and they
just opened fire on Kashif. The police told me they found eleven expended shells and I counted how many shots my son took, he was executed, ten shots. He couldn’t
survive Jules.”
He couldn’t survive but they did their best to save him. They rushed
him to the hospital – which is when his mother got the call for her daughter
Giselle, who comforted her mother today.
Esme Anderson,
“About 1:20 my daughter Giselle called and said mommy, you heard Kashif
got shot up and I said no and I asked what happened and I asked where he was
at and she said she didn’t know. So I called his wife and I said okay.
I tried to call Erin and finally when I got her, from how she was crying on
the phone, I knew something happened and I said I was on my way to the hospital.
Jules when I was going in the vehicle I was saying shot and probably in the
abdomen or in the chest, I am thinking I will fly him out, take him out of KHMH,
put him in Universal. I am thinking what were the plans. I could never believe
when I reached the hospital I would see my son lying in the ward dead already.
I remember when I entered the police said Ms. Anderson there is nothing we could
do for your son. Kashif apparently died before he reached the hospital.”
It is an unspeakable loss for this mother and now she joins the chorus of so
many other mothers, who just want an answer.
Esme Anderson,
“Jules they executed my son and I don’t know why and I don’t
know who and that is the biggest question I am asking now.”
The family is sure it is not because of any rivalry or underworld dealings – Kashif was a hard working, self made young man – a car dealer
who had been in business for 7 years.
Esme Anderson,
“Not even one time Kashif mention Mommy I have a beef with somebody
or mommy you know I sell a car to somebody and it didn’t work out that
kind of way and the person is coming back, nothing like that. I have checked
with his friends and they say the same thing, they say they never heard someone
talk bad about Kashif as a car dealer. Never one day Kashif said, and we were
close, said ma or tell one of his brothers like how they say on the street I
fear for my life, I have a beef with somebody. Kashif drove anywhere around
Belize, all over.
Why, why Kashif. I go over the information and every time and I try to
put it together and I still cannot image why would they want to kill my son.
It hurts even more because when I think about it, Kashif, I know that Kashif
did not harm anybody out there, I know that Kashif did not have any enemies.
But I am saying right now I can’t imagine to think what kind of person
that, what kind of coward that, I don’t want to call him a person who
would just up with a gun, shoot my son and take away his life. That is ruthless,
that is heartless, just take him outta this world forever.
We don’t seek no revenge on the persons or the two people. We are
going to pray and I know we are going to receive justice. I believe in the one
above and I know God is going to answer our prayers. Yes sometimes you know
nothing happens where the police is concerned, we see that everyday. I want
to see closure, I want to see justice and I really want them to find the persons
who killed my son because I believe I have a lot of questions to ask, why is
the biggest question. Who, what did he do so wrong to make them execute him?”
Questions that echo all across that grief riddled community – and until
they are answered this family’s loss will remain just another saddening
According to eyewitnesses, both the men appeared to have silver nine
milimeter pistols and had shirts tied across their faces. Police have not made
any arrests.