7 News Belize

Two More Heroes Among Us
posted (October 12, 2006)

They asked for submissions earlier this year and today First Caribbean International Bank announced Belize's two finalist for the 2006 Unsung Heroes Programme. 18 entries were received and from among those two were chosen. The praises of those two Belizeans were sung at an awards ceremony this afternoon and 7NEWS was there to find out what makes these folks special.

Keith Swift Reporting,
This year's unsung heroes are Dr. Leslie Mendez and Hector Romero. Dr. Leslie is a medical doctor but she wasn't nominated because of her work in medicine. Today the doctor was called out for her work with these kids who she's taken under her wings at her Guardian Angel Home for abandoned and neglected children in Orange Walk Town. Letty Urbina, Mendez's neighbor, nominated her.

Letty Urbina,
"She had four children of her own and then she adopted nine so she is raising about twelve kids and I thought that it is good cause that she did because for someone to do that on their own initiative to start he Guardian Angel Home, I thought it was excellent."

But a spirited Dr. Mendez says she is no hero. She says she is simply human.

Dr. Leslie Mendez, Unsung Hero
"It feels so exciting. It feels like there is somebody else in the world that is thinking about improving our society and that is a very good feeling."

Keith Swift,
You consider yourself a hero?

Dr. Leslie Mendez,
"No. I am just a human."

Hector Romero also shrugs off any label of being a hero. Romero works with parents of children with special needs or PACSN - as it is called. He says the children he works with are the real heroes.

Hector Romero, Unsung Hero
"I am honored to represent those who cannot be here today. Those will be the people with special needs, those who cannot walk, hear, or see what we are doing here today. I am just representing them."

Keith Swift,
Do you consider yourself a hero?

Hector Romero,
"Not really. My heroes are the ones I just mentioned."

But to Ronald Bodden and his family, Romero is a hero. Bodden is the father of an autistic child and he told me why his family nominated Romero.

Ronald Bodden,
"My wife wrote the nomination and we are parents to an autistic son and we at first felt we were the only persons in the world or in Belize living with a child with special needs and Mr. Hector Romero came to our house, invited us to the monthly meetings, and it was a great support for us."

This afternoon the spotlight shone on Romero and Dr. Mendez for the first time and holding up that spotlight was First Caribbean International Bank. Branch manager is Shaeleen Castillo. She says Romero and Mendez were chosen out of 18 entries.

Shaeleen Castillo, Branch Manager - Belize City
"We had 18 entries like we mentioned before but out of these we were also looking at those who had the greater impact on a wider number of persons and for these we have Dr. Mendez who is out of Orange Walk and in terms of PACSN, you heard that there are 3,000 children suffering from disabilities in Belize. And so based on those criteria, and the work they are doing, we feel then that their cause could benefit greatly from it as well."

And now that their praises have been sung - Dr. Mendez and Mr. Romero now join an exclusive club of certified heroes.

Both Dr. Leslie Mendez and Hector Romero received US$5,000 towards their charities. Romero and Mendez will now go up against local finalists from 27 other First Caribbean branches for the title of regional unsung hero. Remarkably, Belize has been home to the regional hero for the past 3 years.

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