7 News Belize

Years Of Domestic Abuse Led To Woman's Murder
posted (April 22, 2022)
Corozal saw its first murder for the year today when the body of a woman was found with stab wounds inside her Calcutta home. 33-year-old Tracy Thompson was a victim of domestic abuse, but she tried to escape by moving far, far away from her common-law husband.

But that didn't stop him from taking her life early this morning. Her family told our colleagues at CTV3 that despite making numerous police reports, nothing was done, and now they're left to grapple with this significant loss.

Courtney Menzies has this story.

33-year-old Tracy Thompson had been living in Placencia for over a decade before moving across the country to Calcutta to get away from her abusive common-law husband, Devon Logan.

But even that didn't save her because early this morning, Logan reportedly broke into her home through the window and stabbed her several times, right in front of their children.

Her friend and neighbour - who was also one of the last people to see her alive - said that she'd heard them arguing from earlier in the night.

Voice of: Friend of Deceased
"We used to always hang out after she come from work. Last night, we came over a little while, like ten, fifteen minutes I came over here with her, and she was with her common-law, her other cousin that was out here and then after 15 minutes I went over home. I was in my home and we start hearing arguments and we came outside to see what was happening. He had already locked her in the room and we just heard like banging in the room. Then her cousin ran over and started banging on the door and so they opened the door and when they opened the door, she ran out and she ran over to my house and she told us that he was beating her. And then he followed her over to my house and then I told him you can't come here."

"And then he was up and down and he didn't want to leave and one of her cousin got into a fight with him for him to go and he even punch the person that was defending her, like three times he punched him down."

"We thought he left because everybody told him to go and leave her, he left. We stayed out there talking for a little while before everybody went back home and the last words I told her was for her to lock herself in the house. And that was it."

Thompson's neighbour told her to scream if Logan came back - so when the night passed peacefully, she thought all was well. She never expected that Thompson's cousin would find the victim's body the next morning, with her children in the same room.

Voice of: Friend of Deceased
"She always talk and told us, and even me, up to last night I told her, you're the person that have the problem, you have to walk out of it. I even mention you have to walk out of it because you know could happen, he will kill you. Not knowing that he would come back and do it."

It's a tragic end to a long history of domestic violence, and Thompson's mother, Elvira Jones, believed it could have been avoided if the police had intervened.

Voice of: Elvira Jones, Mother of Deceased
"This always happens, and she always reports it but the police - she was living in Placencia, and the police that side didn't do anything, anytime. That's the reason why she come to live with me because she live in Placencia like about ten years but the same things happen all the time so she came down to live with us here."

"She went like two or three different times to check on court but like I said in front of the police station, he run his pickup over her. And nobody arrested him, they didn't do anything."

Now, Thompson's kids will have to grow up without their mother and the only thing her family has left are the memories of her.

Voice of: Friend of Deceased
"She was always happy, she likes to give jokes, she was so friendly, nice with everyone. Loving."

Voice of: Elvira Jones, Mother of Deceased
"She was a loving caring person, she always try to help others, and always be near her family and friends."

Logan reportedly escaped by fleeing back to Stann Creek.

Thompson had reportedly moved to Calcutta two years ago, and Logan would occasionally visit during that period.

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