7 News Belize

Minister Skittish On CITES Story
posted (May 5, 2022)

And we also asked the minister for his take on the CITES situation, where Flower importer Diani Chan, owner of Botanical Gardens by Roselynn, imported plants that were listed by CITES - without the required permits.

So far we have heard a lot about the Prime Minister and the BAHA Minister Jose Mai making calls - even directly to a Forestry officer. But how come no one called the Minister of Sustainable Development who is responsible for Forestry, Landy Habet?

Today he said that the problem arose because the two departments - Forestry and BAHA - were not working in collaboration:

Hon. Orlando Habet - Minister of Sustainable Development
"We have the situation where we have 2 ministries that are involved, the ministry of agriculture who has BAHA and they issue the phytosanity permits, forestry department to look at CITES. What we are trying to do now is to see how both ministries can work together so that process is facilitated. To mention that CITES species importation isn't really prohibited, you can bring them in, all you have to do is get the permit. Really it's easy because there's a list of CITES species that are listed and the permit is free. I haven't been involved directly with exactly with what happened, it was more at a technical staff level but I also believe that whatever happened possibly could have been avoided if we have been working in collaboration. For example an importation is coming in and you have to have an inspection by BAHA and you have to have an inspection by forestry, why do one first, do the next one the next day when you have a perishable product, do it together and do one inspection and the product comes in if it passes all the right permits and requirements."

"Do you feel like the forestry department which deals with CITES was side step by BAHA especially since Minister Mai he called the prime minister rather than calling you."

Hon. Orlando Habet
"No, I don't think we were side stepped. There is several occasion, seen it also in other administrations where if it's not spelt out directly then both ministries will believe they have authority and we do, it's just that you have to work in collaboration with each other."

"What happens now when the CITES secretariat inquires about this situations, learns that we did bring in plants without permits and does it affect our exportation, will these now be penalized?"

Hon. Orlando Habet
"Unless it something really out of order that they would see and they would inform us and say listen, we understand this happened, they call the authorities which will be in this case the forestry department and if it something drastic then maybe the could take measures. In this case, I don't think they will take measures against this."

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