7 News Belize

Police Investigating Bomb Threats
posted (May 23, 2022)
10 days ago, we told you how a psychiatric patient called in a bomb threat at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital.

It caused major complications for the staff and management because, as the country's biggest hospital, they had many patients under their care who had to be removed from the compound's facilities.

Today, the press asked about the police investigation into that matter and the bomb threat called in at City Hall:

ASP Fitzroy Yearwood - Police Communications Officer
"We don't have anyone in custody. The investigation into the bomb threat at City Hall is still ongoing. The bomb threat at the Karl Heusner Memorial, We investigated. It was done by a mental patient who was receiving treatment and demanded to be sent home. But, doctors didn't want to clear her to be released, and she made that call. Whether or not charges will be levied against her will be determined by the court, and doctors, whether or not she is fit to stand trial. But, I know that they are still investigating that also."

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