7 News Belize

Gratitude to Slovakia
posted (May 31, 2022)
Yesterday, we spoke to some children who, for the past two years, were unable to get any COVID vaccinations. They made it through the pandemic on the health measures alone, but with the donation of 124,800 doses of the pediatric doses of Pfizer from the Republic of Slovakia, they were finally able to get their first shot.

And while the vaccinations rolled out yesterday, they were officially handed over today. The CEO's at the Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs spoke about the donation:

Dr. Julio Sabido, CEO, Ministry of Health
"Covid pandemic has now entered its 3rd year and the devastation it has caused has affected all countries around the world with the numbers of persons infected at 529 million and a death toll of 6.2 millions persons. The procurement of COVID-19 vaccines has been one of the great achievements for Belize. Throughout all the uncertainties of COVID-19, there is the certainty that the COVID-19 vaccine protects against severe disease and death. The Pfizer vaccine is the only available vaccine for the five to eleven-year-old. This group has remained unprotected against severe COVID until now. On behalf of the people of Belize, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the European Union and specifically the people and government of Slovakia for the donation of the paediatric Pfizer vaccine. Our campaign in country has commence and has been met so far with great positivity."

Amalia Mai, CEO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
"The vaccines will provide a measure of protection to our children, especially as the country continues to move towards reopening on schools and the economy. This will no doubt provide comfort to parents who out of concern may not have been sending their children to school."

The vaccines for children 5-11 years old are available at schools as well as at any vaccination site.

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