7 News Belize

COVID No Longer A Factor At KHMH
posted (September 8, 2022)
And while the KHMH is still battling with those shortages, one other battle is just about over: the COVID unit that stayed full for so many months and no longer at capacity. Right now, the unit is practically empty and Cansino told us today that they're working on neutralizing it.

Chandra Cansino, CEO, KHMH
"We have, I think there are two COVID cases, as I keep explaining in regards to COVID cases, 99% of those cases are just patients that come to the hospital for other reasons and test positive for COVID 19 so they are not admissions that have symptoms or respiratory symptoms of COVID however we are looking towards neutralizing the COVID unit and instead using universal precautions and so that is something we're starting to look at now as well."

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