7 News Belize

New Passports Coming On Line
posted (September 29, 2022)
And what can we expect from the new system?

Well, the Immigration Department says that E-passports are a much more useful document. They are used globally because of the higher security factor that provides for a more secure travel document overall.

Today we talked to the department's I.T. manager Rodolfo Bol, the man in charge of this major transition to get a better idea of all that's involved and what if anything could disrupt it now.

Rodolfo Bol, IT Manager, Immigration
"We have a schedule that is basically a one-month schedule that we have planned for deployment. We have been working with the system for almost 2 years. It has been the progress of passport design and new designs on the books itself. The procedures and policies are also being updated to reflect in the new system. So, it has been a thorough process for almost 2 years. We are basically on deployment stage at this time and this is a 4-week process. Week 1, we have the CDM team joining us this Sunday so we will start to work on the transition come Monday. Week 2, we start training, we start deployment of the systems at the district office, just installation of equipment and so forth not actual go live. Week 3 continue training and continue working at the district offices. Week 3 also, then we have Belmopan doing the switch which means passport system will go down and new system going in. Then the last week in October, we come in with the new go live, so it will be on the week of the 24th. Following that we have other phases, we have the phase for the embassies, so those will be coming November, starting the first week in November we will deploy the divisions as well. So, hopefully by the end of November we have a complete deployment of the system in Belize and at divisions. So, then after that we have other deployments and other upgrades in the system come December, January and so forth. So, as we produce, and as we go to the different phases, we'll also be advertising what's new in the system and so forth. So, we won't be able to do everything on day one but yes, there will be operational full deployment of the system, but upgrades will come along."

"Is there anything you can foresee that would postpone or stall this process?"

Rodolfo Bol, IT Manager, Immigration
"Well, I think at this time the only thing would be a natural disaster. We are in hurricane season and we had one close encounter recently so definitely that would be something out of our control but otherwise internally we are equipped, we are prepared, we've been preparing for months along with the - project for this one so, I think we are good."

Starting next week Belmopan's office will only be servicing 24-hour applications for those who have emergency travel needs. Then on October 11th, the office slows down, even more, to allow for officer training in the news passport system. After that training period, there will be a full-on shutdown during which time the new system is brought into offices countrywide. That new system should be operational by October 24th.

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