7 News Belize

Shyne Unswerving In Stand Against Saldivar
posted (February 3, 2023)
It's a local convention in the political off season - but on Sunday - all political observers will be watching Belmopan very closely to see who emerges victorious from that three way convention. There's a lot more on the line than just local politics when 4 term area rep John Saldivar is being challenged by newcomers Emil Torres and George Lovell.

And he has one more opponent, his party leader Shyne Barrow. Barrow has been enthusiastically backing Lovell - and today, he came out once again telling Belmopan voters not to support Saldivar:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
> "I hold firm that we should turn the page from significant corruption in John Saldivar to a person with integrity, a person with an unblemished record of service within the BDF, in public service, as a CEO in Mr George Lovell. I do believe that the world is watching, the country is watching and what happens in Belmopan does impact the rest of the party and the rest of the country, it is time to turn the page and time to say to the country that we heard their cries."

"Surveys do not necessarily set everything in stone. I know in many of the political races that I observed in the region and abroad you have exit polls, you have projections, 100 people that Mr. Phillip Castillo surveyed does not reflect the 9,400 people of Belmopan."

"In Belmopan, I'm here few days a week, I'm in the market, I'm in Maya Mopan - I'm in all over and let me be very honest, it is not that John Saldivar surprisingly is someone that is necessary unhoard or someone that is a pariah. I'll be frank, there are people that appreciate what he has done under the UDP in 13 years, but those same people will tell you that it's time for Mr. Saldivar to retire. There are some that feel as strongly as I do and as far as Mr. Lovell unanimously everyone has a tremendous amount of respect and reverence for Mr. Lovell no matter who I talk to, even someone that says you know, I think John should go, but you know because I've known him for so long I have to vote for him or those that says listen, I can't vote for John, he has to go, but maybe they will support another candidate. Everyone agrees in the integrity and character of George Lovell and the majority of people that I have spoken to will vote for Colonel Lovell."

Of course, 7News will be on the ground in Belmopan and we will be airing live updates all day n Channel 7 and our Facebook page.

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