7 News Belize

GOB Filling In The Blanks On Corruption Perception Index
posted (February 22, 2023)
During the Barrow years, from 2008 to 2020, Belize was not listed or ranked in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index. Surely, the perception of corruption increased over those years, but the government just couldn't be bothered to do the legwork to get graded.

And the trend seemed to be continuing with the new Briceno administration - except we learned today that the Good Governance Unit has been in discussions with representatives of the Latin American and Caribbean Transparency International and the Good Governance Unit to get Belize back in the CPI. A release today says that Belize was not ranked because only two of the 13 data sources used to construct the index had data for Belize. But, for a country to be in the CPI, data must be disclosed from a minimum of three sources.

So, while Transparency International did not formally list Belize in the 2022 CPI, they did give the country an estimate of where it would be ranked. Belize's level of Control of Corruption was calculated at 45.67% out of 100% - with 100 being very clean and 0 being highly corrupt. With this rating, Belize would rank around 47th to 52nd of 180 countries and territories ranked in the perception index - which would be right around Costa Rica, Granada and St Lucia.

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