7 News Belize

Kyle Latchman, A US Citizen, Lost to Belize's Southside
posted (February 24, 2023)
Switching subjects now.....

Two days ago, we told you about Kyle Latchman, who's been missing since Christmas and whose family believes he is dead. And while his mother wanted to go back out to look for his body today in the areas off the John Smith Road, they changed plans since the properties they wanted to search are private.

And according to his mother, while Kyle was a US citizen, but fell in love with Belize and ended up staying.

Shannon Latchman, Kyle Latchman's Mom
"So, Kyle is an American born, he was born in 99. Kyle spent some time here just like the rest of my kids when they were coming up so they did something like me, my parents brought me home at a young stage and I went to school, I went to St. John's."

"They just fell in love, you know, they come here and they don't want to go home, and then, unfortunately, that is what happened mostly with Kyle, he didn't want to leave, he was like mom, I love Belize, and I'm like okay no problem but, um, his childhood friends when he left things happened different for them but then he's come back and it's like oh my friends, you know, and so forth but sometimes you get caught up with the wrong thing. But there was never a time that he would have said to me or his sister, or any of his siblings that he felt that he feared for his life or anything like that."

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