7 News Belize

MLA Says Dolores' Words Are Dangerous
posted (March 16, 2023)
And while the area rep tried to play off the dispute as something that can be resolved through dialogue, the Maya Leaders Alliance yesterday wrote to the Minister of Indigenous Affairs saying there's actually a protocol for it - and it's one the government is ignoring.

They refer to a Delimitation Principles and Methodology - known as the DPM - which sets out procedures on how to resolve disputes with Garifuna villages, and with non-Maya villages.

They say, quote, "The challenge has been with this administration's reluctance to accept agreements that (have) been reached with the Government of Belize that respects the legally affirmed rights of the Maya people and that upholds minimum standards for protection of Belize's Indigenous Peoples." End quote.

The Alliance says the Government "has failed to advise Yemeri Grove on the procedures in the DPM related to non-Maya villages."

They accuse the government of acting in bad faith and repeating "unverified claims" to give the impression that Maya communities are, quote, "arbitrarily taking lands and defining boundaries in total disregard of the rights of others, stirring emotions, resentment, and threat of violence among the general public."

They warn the minister, quote, "Your statements have been damaging and could cause harm to the members of th Maya villages."

They urge the Minister, her team and other Ministers to, quote, "be more responsible when disseminating unverified information in the public domain and desist from fostering a climate of hostility towards the Maya people and the implementation of the Consent Order."

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