7 News Belize

Cops Sentenced To Serve 9 Years In Prison For Killing In Custody
posted (April 19, 2023)
In what may be a historic sentence - three police officers were sent to jail for 9 years today - after they were found guilty of causing the death of a man in custody.

They are, 28 year old Romelio Logan, 27 year old Reydel Teck, and 27 year old Jashimir Cobb - who were assigned to the San Pedro formation at the time.

In March of 2016, they detained Edwin Ixpatec on a complaint that he was behaving disorderly in the sea near Banyon Bay. They put a vicious beat down on the 30 year old bartender at the police station that led to his death.

They were found guilty of manslaughter in October of 2022 and Justice Ricardo O'Neil Sandcroft sentenced them today. Now, usually cops who kill in the line of duty get off with time served or suspended sentences or fines. But, today, Justice Sandcroft told the convicted cops that he cannot give them a non-custodial sentence.

He added that the evidence that unfolded in the trial was unsettling and they failed in their duty of care. Justice Sandcroft told them that while he will not give them a life sentence, his starting point was 15 years.

From that He subtracted 5 years, 3 years for their good social inquiry report and 2 years for their relatively young ages leaving them with 10 years.

Further deduction was given to them for the 13 months they spent on remand.

So, the cops have a little under 9 years to serve and they were taken to prison to begin serving that tonight.

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