7 News Belize

Faber Fully Back Into the UDP Fold
posted (April 24, 2023)
Tonight, Patrick Faber is definitively on his way back into the power core of the UDP. In an internal chat group to members, leader Shyne Barrow today announced that the 5 time Collet Representative Patrick Faber will return as the Collet Standard Bearer.

In the message which was leaked to 7News, Barrow announces that Ian Jones has submitted his resignation letter as standard bearer, quote "to make way for Faber to be endorsed as UDP Collet Standard Bearer." 7News has also obtained a copy of the Jones letter, which says, quote, "As we approach a round of municipal elections, it is my sincere belief that the interests of our party and its continued cohesiveness must be prioritized above all else. To this end, I wish to make clear that my decision to formally resign as the Standard Bearer for the Collet Constituency is rooted solely in this principle, and not in any rumored quid pro quo."

So while Jones left without asking for anything, Shyne Barrow's announcement contained a rare grace note for Faber, who he had previously condemned as unfit for public office, Barrow says, quote "I want to thank Hon. Faber for the invaluable contributions he has made to the UDP and welcome his return as the UDP Standard Bearer for Collet."

So what accounts for the sudden reconciliation after many failed attempts and irreconcilable differences? Well, Barrow says it goes back to Friday's house meeting where, quote, "all elected members of the House met in the Opposition Chambers to discuss the return of…Faber as UDP Collet Standard Bearer…These discussions were fruitful with commitments from all to ensure there is unity..." End quote.

Of course, in the UDP soap opera where truces are always fragile, and favor is always fickle, long observation tells us everything can change in a heartbeat - so we'll keep a close eye on this plot twist.

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