7 News Belize

Criminal Charges Or Not, Cop Returns To Work
posted (April 24, 2023)
It was big news last week when an Orange Walk cop was charged for extortion after allegedly shaking down the grandmother of a minor who was involved in a traffic accident.

Corporal Miguel Alpuche did the "perp walk" along with the other accused persons - and, after taking a "not guilty" plea and getting bail, we thought - that as per standard procedure, he would be placed on interdiction.

Well, to the surprise of even his fellow officers, he was not. On Friday, the Orange Walk formation was informed that Corporal Alpuche was to report to work as normal. And, on Saturday, he came in his uniform and signed in for his regular shift.

This is a sharp deviation from standard procedure - but it's not the first in this case. We are told that the DPP sent the directive to charge the officer in September of 2022, but he was not charged until 7 months later in April of 2023.

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