Do you have a Digital Wallet?
The technology is quickly catching on even in a tiny economy like Belize, and this morning our News team headed to the National Bank of Belizean to check out the Digital Wallet that - as they say - "belongs to every Belizean."
Cherisse Halsall signed up for the service , and she's come back with a full report:
You've heard of E-kyash, and Digiwallett but tonight we're giving you a look at "NNB Pay" the National Bank of Belize's own proprietary wallet that just might make your agric weekend a little less of a hassle.
Kiana Hulse, Marketing Officer, NBB
"NBB has partnered with national agriculture and trade show, we did last year we are doing it again this year. We are exclusively selling tickets for Agric via the NBB pay app right. So, all you have to do to purchase your agriculture tickets Is first you have to download the app, it is available for free download in the google play store also in the apple, App Store, um, you download the app you sig up. You are approved you receive 10 free digital dollars, you will then go into the application and click the pay tab if you want to you can go on our social media sites and find the agriculture QR code however if you are not able to, you can enter the Code manually it's "@argic.2023" and you enter the amount of tickets you would like to purchase the total for that ticket costs $4 for adults $2.40 for kids using the app you enter the total and you slide to send."
But it's not just for Agric tickets The National Bank says NNB pay is set to become a way of life for Belizeans the easiest way to send and pay money for all your everyday needs.
Kiana Hulse, Marketing Officer, NBB
" It was with the purpose of creating financial inclusion to those who were previously financially excluded. So, basically what NBB pay does is allow users to perform transactions from their mobile devices right so you are able to access your money from your phone. When we launched NBB pay our goal and target market was those people who were unbanked. We wanted to give them that push and that incentive to join the financial world right and this was the perfect opportunity to do that with a service like this that is very user friendly and it's very minimal when it comes to requirements and signing up is easy and so we felt that this is the best way to include those who weren't included before."
"Um, so the app is obviously available countrywide we have merchants from Corozal all the way down to PG who accept NBB pay so you can purchase from your favorite merchants, a lot of small business that use the application, um, on a day to day basis, we also encourage users who live remotely and they need to send funds to their loved ones across the country, this is a alternative to that money sending whereby you have to come all the way into town to send some money you wait in line so it's just a convince ——NBB pay merchant."
You can download the NBB pay app on both google play and the apple play store.