7 News Belize

Mother Of Fire Victim Slapped With $2,000 Hospital Bill
posted (May 3, 2023)
Yesterday morning, 22 year old mother Adriana Lord and her two children, two year old Asiah and 2 month old A'zyon perished in a fire on Antelope Street Extension in Belize City.

Today, instead of mourning - Adriana's mother and the kids' grandmother - was dealing with the difficult machinery of death - getting death certificates for 3 family members - whose identity documents all burnt up in the fire with them.

And, this struggle almost brought her right back to her knees. That's partly because her daughter had an outstanding balance at the KHMH - where she had recently delivered her son via C-Section. Sheree Lord told us about her added pain in this time of grieving:

Sheree Lord, Daughter and Grandchildren Perished
"Emotionally, I could honestly say that no matter how bad your kids, no matter whatever it is they did, it could never compare to how as a mother you will feel. Like today when we went to get her documents to start this process, it was a mess. I was really disappointed at the service that I got today. I am a grieving mother of 3 and you're telling me that I need to sign a document stating that I need to make effort to pay this $2,000 for you to even give me a proof of birth for my grandson for me to do the autopsy to get this process started. It's totally ridiculous."

"I'm not saying that I am not supposed to pay the bill. That is not what I am saying, because everybody needs to pay bill. What I am saying is they supposed to have some sort of process set in place for situation like this. What would it take you to say Miss we understand your situation, we understand that you are a grieving mother, let us take this opportunity to help you in facilitating you to try and make this process easy for you. That is all that I was asking from you. I am not asking you to give me anything, because I've never been given anything. Everybody that knows me know that I've never been given anything freely. I've work for whatever it is that I have, but just a process to say Miss we understand you're grieving, let us see how we could facilitate you. It's all over the news that I lost my daughter and my two grandkids. It's nothing strange, it's all over the world - everybody knows."

"I stopped at Karl Heusner [Hospital] and everybody was greeting me. I stopped at the vital statistics - everyone already knows that I am the grieving mother. You are sitting there behind this desk and you are treating me when the entire public giving me a comfort that you supposed to be giving me. This is a service."

"You didn't have to treat me this type of way. Everything is money. You're giving me a statement and something for me to sign before you're even telling me that you are going to help me and that was the problem that I had. Not because I was supposed to pay the money, it's because you specifically told me that I need to sign this paper saying that I'm going to pay off this $2,000 plus before you even assist me and that's a big problem that we have in our country."

And while she got through at the hospital and vital stats, Sheree Lord now has to face the loss of her daughter and grandchildren. She told us what it was like for her at the fore scene yesterday morning when she got there around 8:00

Sheree Lord, Daughter and Grandchildren Perished
"When they extinguished the fire, my sister husband is a fireman and I told him Tyron, I said Adriana is inside. I told him to ease my heart just tell me if she is inside. I will feel more better, because as I reach, I was calling Adriana phone and it just rings and no answer. I said Adriana is definitely inside that house, because its too early for her to go anywhere. He said that nobody is inside. I notice that the fire fighter was spraying the water in one area, like he was focusing on this specific area, my daughter's room. I was shouting at the fireman saying why are you focusing on that area? That means my daughter is there and she is laying on her side and holding the baby. You couldn't notice the baby any at all. You just know that she had something there. I was trying to peep over the fence, but the officer didn't want me to go close. So we just waited and then they confirmed that it's the body, they bring her out and put her in the body bag and I just watch how they took her in the mobile and I realize that Adriana actually die with her children."

"As a mother, I always listens to mothers' cry about their loved one, but to be honest losing a child in that manner, I don't believe it's easy for no mother witnessed that. It's a state of mind for you to see your child and my only grandchildren, my only daughter. It looks like maybe a kind of meat you throw for a barbeque. You couldn't recognize the body at all."

"Last night I said everything happens for a reason, but I just couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. I just feel numb, because everything in my house reminds me of Asiah. Everybody knows that my grandchildren and my children is my all."

The cause of the fire has not yet been confirmed though it is suspected to be electrical.

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