The last Boledo draw was the jackpot draw held on Sunday April 30th. Since then Belizeans have been in major Boledo withdrawal and almost two weeks later, Belizeans are still unable to buy their favorite numbers, or re-visit that faithful rake.
And the Boledo macobie is made all the worse because regular buyers are not yet sure when their favorite gambling game and national pastime will resume.
We asked PM Briceno for some guidance on it today and here's what he said about the moves G.O.B is making to bring Boledo back online.
" Still no Boledo. What's the plan and when and how can there be no public information strategy?"
John Briceño, Prime Minister of Belize
" Well, I don't know why you said that there's no information strategy, no public information strategy. As you know, we went through a lengthy process with Brad's company, whatever name they have, because they constantly change names. And I think it's deliberate to confuse people as to who the real winners are. And maybe you need to ask the former prime minister who is the real winner. I'm sure he knows who is the real owner let me put it this way, I believe he knows who the real owner is. And if he doesn't, then he needs to be held for being irresponsible. That's another matter. Most importantly, we have to go through a lengthy process with them to give them an opportunity to be able to correct the areas that they were not complying with the agreement."
" If we had before then started to go through the process of setting up the Boledo and doing everything. I am certain that Mr. Barrow would jump on that and say that we had already decided to cancel it even before it was canceled so we could not do anything. Our hands were tied. We were giving them an opportunity. They failed to comply and in the interest of all of our citizens, we canceled it. Now we're in the process of setting up a company. We are going to register a company that's going to be owned by the government of Belize. And as I said, we don't need to reinvent the wheel. What we need to do is to look at how the telecoms have been selling talk time."
"So instead of government having to hire hundreds of sellers, we're looking at probably maybe four or five major sellers. And then they get their sellers and then they take care of paying people who win and whatever the idea is that then the company is going to set up a server and looking at probably doing it electronically and on paper through electronic means."
"And by doing that, then we would be able to control every single sale we know which sellers sold, how much is sold, what has to be paid out. And if our citizens feel that they have been taken advantage of, they can come to the company and say, well, here's my ticket, or here it is on my phone that I bought."
"We can look it up and see what that scene was made. I explain all of this just to point out that we are now working in setting it up. And once we reach the point to make the announcement, we are going to make the announcement. There's nothing to hide. But we could not until after the decision was made."