7 News Belize

Women’s Work In The Waters
posted (May 18, 2023)

Today, women in maritime were celebrated internationally, and here in Belize, ladies from the Belize Port Authority and other stakeholders were awarded for their work in keeping the seas safe and healthy.

At the ceremony, the Acting Ports Commissioner told us more about what this day means.

Darlin Gaitan, Acting Ports Commissioner, BPA
"It highlights the need for having more inclusivity for women in the sector. And so this year we have focused on the theme networks for gender equality. So that is what we're celebrating today. We're highlighting some of our female stalwarts in the sector. So it really is time for us to bring awareness to the issues that are affecting us and also bring awareness to the good work that women have been doing so far that need to be highlighted on days like these.

"What would you say are some of the issues you guys face being women in the sector?"

Darlin Gaitan, Acting Ports Commissioner, BPA
"Well, I think we face similar issues than other sectors that have gender barriers, such as harassment, such as unequal pay, such as the glass ceiling that's ever so present. When you look at the data, you can see that the opportunities, the window of opportunities as you go higher up decreases over time.

And so that clearly indicates that there is an issue because there isn't a lack of female talent, but there is lack of female opportunities or opportunities that should be for both males and females until the glass ceiling is ever present in the sector. So that, I would say, would be some of the issues faced by the women in the sector.

"And over the years in really specifically, have you seen the more women join this sector?"

Darlin Gaitan, Acting Ports Commissioner, BPA
"We will need to really look at the data. But for example, for the various agencies, we have seen that there is a lot of female participation in the sector because it's a very diverse sector. We have shipping agents, which have a lot of females, we have the Maritime Administration, which has a lot of females, the Port Authority we also have almost 40% females. So I do believe that there is a level of interest for the sector because it's a very dynamic sector and so it should appeal to females as well."

8 women from the Belize Port Authority who signed up to be a part of the Women In Maritime Association, Caribbean were rewarded, along with women from other organizations who sent in their own nominations.

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