7 News Belize

Two Term Mayor Wants To Run Again
posted (May 19, 2023)
Belize City Mayor Bernard Wagner is in the last months of his second term - and early reports suggested that he wouldn't be running again. But, it seems the mayor has had a change of heart. He told us that he feels he has unfinished business:

Bernard Wagner, Mayor
"I still have some projects that really I need to shepherd to get see it through. We have the electric e-mobility coming on stream, we have some of the other smart activities with the smart off-street parking right beside the courthouse, putting in place the infrastructure for e-mobility and so on the side I may say listen, I still have some work to do, but it's all up to the party and to the people."

Jules Vasquez
"Has the PUP made a decision yet? I heard they haven't made a decision yet on whether they will even be conventions or if a slate will just be selected."

Bernard Wagner, Mayor
"To the best of my knowledge they haven't made any determination as yet. I was told it would be later in the year around August leading up to September, so we just have to wait and see."

Jules Vasquez
"How is the mighty PUP so disorganized, sir."

Bernard Wagner, Mayor
"I can't answer you that question, Jules. You have to ask our chairman of our party, but I am pretty sure that we will be ready, even if it's not myself, we'll be ready to face the municipal elections."

Jules Vasquez
"I heard on Channel 7 the other night that Wendy Castillo wants to offer herself for the mayorship. When I spoke to her, she said it's something she's thinking about. It's not exactly at that stage yet, but would you be prepared to face a challenge in a convention from someone like Wendy Castillo?"

Bernard Wagner, Mayor
"My thing is that each and every resident has the opportunity to want to serve their city or their country. I can't dictate you should not run or I should not run. It's up to yourself in feeling your conviction and wanting to assist your community."

"In terms of being challenged, I have already indicated to my party on where I stand in respect to moving forward with the municipal elections and I leave it at that."

Jules Vasquez
"But should you be made to face a challenge?"

Bernard Wagner, Mayor
"People might say it's fair for democracy purposes and we live in a democracy, so I still have to wait and see."

Jules Vasquez
"But is it something you would oppose, if I tell you mayor, you done put in 2 terms, now you have to face a convention after the work that you did."

Bernard Wagner, Mayor
"Well then I will have to discuss with my family."

Jules Vasquez
"Do you feel you will still enjoy the support of a majority of the PUP representatives in the city, we are talking about big constituencies like Lake Independence, Pickstock, Port Loyola and Fort George is also very consequential obviously, Freetown, Caribbean Shores."

Bernard Wagner, Mayor
"Well this thing about local government not working along with national government is not only to Belize City or the country of Belize, it's all across the region where you have this constant divide between sub-national and national level and there has always been this conflict. I do believe however that I still maintain a great relationship with most of the area reps. I have a very good relationship with the deputy prime minister, with the representative for Caribbean Shores, Freetown, Pickstock and so I feel I still have the support. I am working closely with them."

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