The Civil Asset Recovery and Unexplained Wealth Order Bill (AGM May 2023) has been presented to the House for a first reading.
This is the bill that promises to crack down on any public official who is flashing conspicuous wealth - from politicians to
public officers - and to recover ill gotten assets.
Yesterday the acting Prime Minister said it is far reaching:
Cordel Hyde, Acting Prime Minister
"It's a very, very serious legislation and people are all over the country should take note. Should be served warning.
Not just politicians but also public officers, anybody in public life and anybody outside of public life. If you end
up with property that you cannot account for, you can lose that property and more and you can lose that property.
This legislation is saying you can lose that property without a court conviction you know."
"All right, but remember, this thing is... was only tabled in The House on Friday. It's going to house committee.
The people that have an opportunity to review it and to have their input. But it's a very, very serious piece of
legislation. So all those people who are doing things and were doing things, they have to get serious because they
will get humbug."
The Bill goes to a house committee hearing on Monday.