7 News Belize

Finally - A CT Scan For The KHMH
posted (June 8, 2023)

A cat-scan was considered a modern medical marvel in the last century - but in this 21st century it's a basic diagnostic tool - a must have for every major hospital like an X-Ray machine.

But for the past 2 years, the KHMH, Belize's national referral hospital has not had a working cat-scan - and all the efforts to get one have failed. This has caused no end of expense to patients who have to go to private facilities for one and endless frustration to doctors - who can't make basic diagnoses.

Well, it's over now - or will be soon. The Minister of Health today announced that - at last - they have agreed on a supplier:

Kevin Bernard, Minister Of Health
"The CT scan is almost in the country, purchased by the supplier and we'll all, will be installed at the KHMH which is a state-of-the-art CT scan. So, the KHMH will almost, will surely have it's CT scan and will be able to provide that needed and essential service to the Belizean people."

"You have to remember that when the bid went out, we called for 128 slice CT scan of the highest grade CT scan not the 16 slides or the 24 slides you see around, we want to be able to give our people better quality, let me, let me add this, you are talking about digital transformation, correct, we want to be able to communicate and provide better quality of service and having a quality CT scan, you can check the market out there it is costly, coming in country and remember this package does not only include the purchasing of the CT scan. It includes a 5 year maintenance plan, the entire outfitting of the entire unit that has to be done, so the supplier has to incorporate all of that in it's cost that he has, and to be able to provide neccesary in -house training so there will be technical people coming in to provide additional training to the people at KHMH to be able to provide quality service utilizing that new CT scan that will be there."

"Remind us of the timeline of the arrival of that machine?"

Kevin Bernard, Minister Of Health
"From all indications, that I have in fact the CT scan has been purchased. I spoke to the supplier, one of the persons who contacted yesterday and said that theCT scan has been purchased and should be in country, I know they are working on the, area at th KHMH so we would want to see that, that is installed hopefully within the next 3 months. We know there were delays but we have now acquired that. We had to go througth the neccesary process with the contractor general, that was approved and given and so we are very much appreciative that that is now behind us and now KHMH will shortly have it's CT SCAN."

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