7 News Belize

City Hall Playing Hang Man
posted (June 8, 2023)

And from the tertiary care hospital to a man who looked like he might have needed one in case the slightest thing went wrong. We're talking about the viral image of a painter at city hall seen tenuously hanging from a rope attached to a harness while painting the 4th floor of the city hall. He's levitating about 50 feet in the air, secured by a rope and the goodwill of the men clutching that rope. And it's all playing out above the busiest street in the city.

It's incredibly dangerous, ill - advised and definitely illegal if the occupational health and safety law were in effect.

At any rate, it's not a good look for City Hall and we asked the Mayor about it today:

Jules Vasquez:
"There's a viral picture going around of a man on a harness in front of city council. Please tell me what the hell is up with that. You know it. You know the picture?"

Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
"I see it, man. It's unfortunate Jules right. The city hall needed some repainting and maintenance and we. We went about it and we engaged an individual entity. I don't decide who will do it, get it. But it's unfortunate that the individual didn't consider the safety of his workers and that is a labour issue that is a matter whith him but it reflects on us. Because we are paying money to get it paint but he utilizes that type of apparatus he was using the at the back the scuffle at the back."

"But I don't know what happened at the front. And when I saw that, I was shocked. It's unfortunate. It's poor decision making, obviously a poor decision and I don't condone it and I will never countenance that I am pissed with it. I believe Labour had even stepped in as well in respect to safety of workers and so he he will have to answer to that. I am disappointed."

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