7 News Belize

Mayor Took Son-In-Law To Conference, Snubbing Councillors?
posted (June 8, 2023)

And while the mayor was disappointed - we're told that his fellow councilors were the disappointed ones earlier this month when he chose to take his personal aide - who is also his son in law - on a recent trip to a conference in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

It's the Commonwealth Associate of Local Government - and we asked if he was playing favorites with his family over his council:

Jules Vasquez:
"We understand there have been some pushback within your council because you were recently offered a regional trip to somewhere in the Caribbean, and you took the trip and you took your assistant who happens to be your son in law, you took your assistant and that you should have instead taken a counsellor or a female counsellor. They said, Would you speak about whether that caused friction in your council?"

Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
"Not really, because that invite was was under the auspices of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum, which I serve as board member and the Commonwealth Government Forum, really In their letter to me you said that they would want the invite from the mayor of an elected female. And so I took Mayor Palacio with me, who is a mayor and and is a member of the Mayors Association."

Jules Vasquez:
"So you have female councillors?"

Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
"I do have female councillors and I respect all my female councillors but again, this forum, this falls under the auspices of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum, which really drive downwards into the Mayors Association, not any direct city council per say. And so I took along my, my, my good friend, Mayor Palacio and I also took along my Aid."

"He he does tremendous work for me in respect to getting all the information back to the city on the progress of those meetings.

Jules Vasquez:
"But you do understand how you could be criticised for nepotism and the plea against your own internal councillors?"

Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
"I don't look at it that way. I have always been very inclusive with my councillors and I invite them to all events. Many times my deputy he could vouch for it. He has been sent on many trips."

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