7 News Belize

BSI Not Blinking ON BSCFA Beef
posted (June 15, 2023)

And one of the challenges that BSI faced was their contention with the BSCFA. As another season ends, the two parties have still not reached an agreement, even with the subcommittee set up by the Cabinet. And today, Mac McLachlan says they're not budging from their position.

Mac McLachlan, Country Manager, BSI
"Our position remains exactly the same. And that's that we kind of look at simplifying things through the commercial agreement, but we're not in a position to be transferring value. We've said that from day one and it's still the same, but even more so today as we're looking at the kind of industry, particularly business losses we're going to be facing this year."

"So we hope that there'll be, you know, a common sense approach to this moving forward. It's not in our interest or anybody's interests not to have an agreement. I mean, you know, we need the cane, the farmers want to mill the cane. So I'm a great believer in, you know, that's the bottom line. And beyond that. We'll have to find an accommodation."

"But we haven't had any discussions really of late because I think it's been a lot of other things going on which which are kind of I think deflecting a little bit. The real issue of of actually having an agreement, remember, this is private sector business. These are commercial agreements between ourselves and cane growers who want to sell canes in the sugar mill."

"And the vast majority of which I think we don't really have an issue. But, you know, we need to overcome this, particularly to deal with the challenges, the modernization that we're talking about. If we have a fractured industry, how are we going to fix these problems? It just makes it harder and harder, you know? So we're here to help."

"We're here to mill cane, we're here to make grow the pie so that everybody benefits from it. I think it's evident what I ASR and BSI have done in this country."

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