7 News Belize

Chaos At The Courthouse - Paguada Brothers Convicted
posted (July 24, 2023)
Two men were convicted for murder today, 4 years after a daylight murder in downtown San Pedro. The declaration of the verdict came down like a thunderclap in court - prompting an outburst from one of the accused who started to point at the judge - while his mother fainted outside.

Jo Marie Lanza and Anita Nembhard have this story:

Armenia Martinez fainted outside the courtroom this morning when she learned that her two sons had been found guilty of murder.

San Pedranos, 51 year old Timothy Carcamo, 24 year old Delson Paguada, and his little brother 21 year old Tionne Paguada, were accused of orchestrating the murder of 32 year old Paul Jex on January 23rd, 2018.

Jex was shot and killed in a busy area of San Pedro in broad daylight. The three accused were placed on trial without jury before Justice Nigel Pilgrim. The crown's main witness came forth to testify today, and positively identified two of the killers, the Paguada brothers. The witness was unable to identify the third accused and thus Carcamo was found not guilty.

Timothy Carcamo, Found not Guilty
"None of we never had nothing to do with it. We just got charged, got picked up bring to Belize and they charged we here wrongfully for a crime that none of we do."

"So as it relates to how the judge came about with finding you not guilty, are you satisfied?"

Timothy Carcamo, Found not Guilty
"I'm not satisfied, I'm not satisfied with what happened to them. Because I know I never had nothing to do with it. You understand me? I just got picked up wrongfully, charged and sent to prison in less than 16 hours."

And that sense of injustice invaded the courtroom which erupted into chaos once Justice Pilgrim handed down the guilty verdict. Tionne Paguada, jumped to his feet and pointed his finger at Justice Pilgrim accusing the police of paying a false witness to testify against him and his brother.

The disruption continued outside where Tionne Paguada descended the stairs of the court, in chains, shouting declarations of his innocence, while his mother stood by and watched inconsolably.

The older brother, Delson Paguada exited the court in a more collected state than his sibling. Both were loaded into the back of police vans and carted off to the Central prison, where they will await sentencing on October 2nd.

And there was more drama at the courthouse. After he was convicted, Tionne Paguada attempted to jump through a window of the waiting room that is adjacent to Justice Pilgrim's courtroom.

In court, Tionne Paguada's outburst to Justice Pilgrim in court went as follows: "how could you find a person guilty when there was no proof that he ever held a gun or pulled the trigger?"

Justice Pilgrim ordered for a social inquiry report, and a psychiatric report to be conducted on Paguada. All three men were represented in court by Attorney Leeroy Banner

The crown was represented by Attorney Romey Wade of the DPP's office. A total of 12 witnesses were called to trial.

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